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Bali Dancer

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The Island of Gods

Friday, June 15, 2012

Jimbaran Beach

Jimbaran is one beach in Badung Regency which is located in the southern island of Bali. Before known as a tourist, formerly Jimbaran is a traditional fishing village. You can reach the beach of Jimbaran Bali's Ngurah Rai International Airport with a journey of about 10 minutes to the south.
You will find many many restaurants or restaurants serving a variety of seafood as the main menu along the road at Jimbaran. It would be nice of course, for a variety of seafood to eat while enjoying the sea. Jimbaran is also widely available in a variety of international hotel as an alternative place for your accommodation
You will find many restaurants serving a variety of seafood as the main menu along the road at Jimbaran. It would be nice of course, for a variety of seafood to eat while enjoying the sea. Jimbaran is also widely available in a variety of international hotel as an alternative place for your accommodation

Jimbaran as Seafood Center

You can order at one restaurant and headed to the beach to relax and enjoy the sea view. Especially if you eat here in the afternoon, sunset views will make the atmosphere more beautiful. You can also enjoy the sound of the waves and the rustle of a refreshing sea breeze
After the meal was served, you can enjoy the seafood served at the table while you enjoy the charm of a beautiful beach in Jimbaran. Soft murmur of the waves and wind on the edge of Jimbaran beach will certainly increase your appetite. A variety of seafood menu is available here. Or you can also enjoy a delicious coconut ice while enjoying the beauty of Jimbaran beach.
Once you enter the area or Kedonganan Jimbaran beach in the afternoon until the evening, Here again will look at life begins. In many cafes line the beach offering a wide selection of seafood at affordable prices for sure. The price depends on how heavy the fish of your order.
You can also enjoy the strains of a song from a group of musicians who look eccentric. They will sing the songs according to your request. Even some tourists took their pictures taken with these unique musicians.
About 30 minutes was, the food will be ready to serve. While enjoying the gentle swish of the waves and the lights of the night, you can try delicious dishes. In Bali, this area is known as the only seafood center of the largest and most crowded. Yes, where else can enjoy dinner on the beach.

Many tourists from local and foreign tourists visit Jimbaran. Area at the center of the fish market is indeed well-liked by the tourists. Area that became very popular since the arrival of Lady Diana, is indeed one of the areas that you must visit while on vacation to Bali.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Sanur Beach

Sanur beach is one of the renowned beaches in Bali, such as Kuta beach. Located in the eastern part of Denpasar. Sanur beach was first introduced by a Belgian painter AJ. Le Mayeur with his wife who has lived in Bali since 1937. The allure of this beach in the north which is semicircular in its southern part and turn from east to west, as well as the waves are not too large.
Sanur beach has a length of approximately 3 km with a coastline facing eastward. This beach is famous for its clean white beaches and very soft. It also, Sanur beach is a beach there is lots of rock. Sanur area is altrenatif for local and foreign tourists who want to avoid the crowds at other busy beaches like Kuta or Nusa Dua. In this area of ​​tranquility and comfort is top priority. For those who like to enjoy the sunrise then Sanur is the perfect place

The beauty of the sunset at the Sanur Beach
The beauty of the beach where they have any before sunset. Likewise with the Sanur Beach which will also look very beautiful when the afternoon before, because the state of low tide, is also a small rippling waves. Sanur is also visible from the island cluster of attacks and the hills rock jutting into the sea next to selatang increasingly shows that Sanur is very exotic.
Place a strategic review is part of the East, in Semawang and Mertasari. The situation there was fresh air and a comfortable sea breeze blowing. The atmosphere along the coast of Sanur light and shade as full of big trees. Sanur beach good for sunbathing in the sun along the white sandy beaches.

Complete facilities
Facilities located in Sanur, among others, the existence of an international hotel like the Grand Bali Beach Hotel, Hotel Hyatt, Hotel Sanur Beach, Sindu Beach Hotel and many more throughout the East and the Southeast coast of Sanur. Kiosk Art and Art Shop items too much there. Accommodation for tourists and Restourant pretty much available that is always ready to serve the interests of the tourists.

Strategic locations
Sanur Beach distance is 6 km from downtown Denpasar, can be reached by car, motorbike or public transport that connects the coast of Sanur with the city of Denpasar. Highly crowded public transportation back and forth between the Sanur-Denpasar, so there is no transport problem difficulty. Sanur beach is visited by local and foreign tourists
In addition to Sanur beach, you also can visit the beaches of Kuta, Balangan, Lovina and other beaches are also attractive to visitors

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Rejang Dance

Rejang dance is a dance princess who moves done in groups as well as Pendet dance.Rejang dance have movement that is not too complicated, this dance is usually performed in the courtyard of a temple at the time of the ceremonies. Unlike the Kecak dance, this dance is danced by women dancers of all ages and is usually accompanied by gamelan. The dancers dance Rejang perform a dance with a sense of devotion to gods and goddesses
The dancers wearing ceremonial dress, dancing with a march circling the temple or Pelinggih page which is sometimes done by holding hands. Dance Rejang in some places also called by Ngeremas or Sutri.
The types of dance Rejang include: Rejang Renteng, Rejang Workshop, RejangAyodpadi, Rejang Galuh, Rejang God and others. In the village of Tenganan areRejang feverish dances, Rejang Membingin followed by Rejang Makitut and Rejang Gods. Dance at Tenganan Rejang accompanied by gambelan Selonding which is usually done in a ceremony called Aci Kasa.
In the village of Tenganan, the ceremony of "Aci Kasa" Rejang feverish danced, Rejang Mombongin, Rejang Makitut and Rejang god accompanied by gamelan Selonding each Rejang dance can be seen the difference of symbols and sacred objects brought dancers, the pattern motion, how to dance and fashion layout.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Kecak Dance

Kecak dance which is popular in Bali, also called The Monkey Dance. The term Kecak dance is taken from the sound itself is cak, cak, cak. Sound strange but unique and contain a high artistic value, this sound are pronounced along the Balinese Kecak dance performed.
In contrast to other types of dance, Kecak dance is unique because it does not rely on its own line of instruments to accompany the dance music, but the choir is issued by the dancers. Rhythm sound "cak, cak .." were arranged in such a way as to produce an alloy that is very harmonious, interspersed with a few accents and other utterances.

This dance is a dance to ward off evil spirits performed by two girls who are still virgins. While Sanghyang Jaran is a dance performed by men possessed which pranced like a horse's behavior and dancing on hot coals. Because the hallmark of this Jaran Trance Dance, Kecak is also known as the Kecak and Fire Dance. Final performance is a kind of bonus that can invite the audience amazed. After the show, spectators are also welcome to take pictures with the dancers.

Kecak Dance in Bali had continued to experience changes and developments since the 1970's. Developments can be seen is in terms of story and staging. In terms of story for staging not only relied on one part of the Ramayana, but also the other parts of the story of Ramayana.

Then in terms of staging also began experiencing growth not only found in one place like the Village Bona, Gianyar but also other villages in Bali Kecak dance that began developing in Bali there are tens of kecak group whose members are usually members of the banjo. Activities such activities often also the Kecak dance festival held in Bali either by government or by an art school in Bali. As well as most of the dancers who've performed in Kecak dance was recorded in 1979 which involved 500 people dancing. At that time kecak staged by taking the story from the Mahabharata. But this record was broken by the Government of Tabanan regency which organizes colossal Kecak dancers by 5000 on September 29, 2006, at Tanah Lot, Tabanan, Bali.

Balinese Kecak dance is the creation of a famous Balinese dancer I Wayan Limbak, and a German painter, Walter Spies, in the 1930s. At first, these two artists fascinated by the ritual dance in which the dancers dance Trance in conditions possessed by the spirit (trance). Trance Ritual Balinese ritual itself is derived from pre-Hindu tradition in order to deny reinforcements. This ritual is then adopted by I Wayan Limbak and Walter Spies became a performing arts to the public for display in various countries in Europe under the name Kecak.

Kecak dance is played by a number of dancers (mostly men), between 50 to 150 people, with a duration between 45-60 minutes. This dance is compose vocal instrument of the dancers (a cappella) with the sound "cak, cak, cak ..." as he raised both arms to accompany the epic Ramayana story that became the main story in this dance. Therefore the spoken chorus dancers are considered similar to the sound a monkey, then the foreign tourists often refer to this dance as "Mongkey Dance".

Fragment of epic Ramayana is the source of the story is the story of kidnapping Dewi Shinta (Rama's wife) by King Ravana of Alengka country. In this dance is described how Rama fought to free her lover, Dewi Sinta, who was kidnapped and taken away by Ravana. This story is exciting because it increases the struggle Rama aided by Hanuman (the Monkey White) and Sugriva. In addition to staging the epic story of Ramayana, Kecak Trance Dance also featured Dedari and Sanghyang Jaran as the closing show

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Pendet Dance

Pendet is one of the dances are popular in Bali. It belongs to the type of dance dance trustee, namely secar dance performed exclusively for religious rituals. Pendet in created in 1970 by Balinese artist I Nyoman Kaler named. Dance tells the story of gods falling to earth.
Pendet have differences with the other ceremonial dances which usually requires a specialized and well-trained dancers, whereas Pendet can be done by anyone. Basically in Pendet young girls just follow the movement senior dancers in front of her, it is this which makes Pendet easily done by anyone.

Worship dance
At first Pendet is a lot of cult dance performed in temples. Describing the welcome and persembahaan of falling into Marcapada gods. Over time the Balinese dance artists transform into dance Pendet "Welcome".
Pendet generally done in groups or pairs. Pendet is more dynamic than Rejang Dance. This dance is performed after Rejang Dance at Temple page and generally facing toward the Saints (Pelinggih). The dancers wear full ceremonial dress, bring offerings to the gods, jugs, bowls and more.

Hindu dance
Pendet is an integral part of Hindu society in Bali. Usually this dance is shown to welcome guests or start an event. Each dancer brings a silver bowl (bokor) which will be sown into the audience as a welcome.
Pendet is one characteristic of Balinese dance is one of the nation's cultural heritage of valuable art. Required the attention of the government and people of Indonesia for more attention to and preserve the culture in Indonesia.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Ubud Bali

Bali is referred to as the most exotic honeymoon destinations in the world. Bali, especially Ubud a relaxing and away from the crowd said to be a great place for many madu.Ubud located 35 kilometers from International Airport Ngurah Rai.Ubud be the right choice for those who want to relax in the woods and verdant rice fields. Ubud is also located in the highlands, so the atmosphere here to be more cool than any other place in Bali. Developed into a center of Ubud in Bali art crafts, wood carvings, gold and silver handicrafts, paintings and other art. This small town has many art galleries that showcase a collection of handicrafts, such as wood carving, silver handicrafts, batik, painting, and others. Maestro famous painter Antonio Blanco even live in this city until the end of his life. Gallery paintings also still be seen today. 

Since a few years ago, Ubud has become one of the travel and holiday destination for tourists around the world. You do not need to worry about accommodation in Ubud. Available range of accommodation from the hotel is cheap and within budget to private villas. It's up to you to choose an appropriate hotel and villas. The cheapest flights and home stay like Artaj Inn, Jati home stay and so forth Artini cottages. All offer the same thing, namely a peaceful and tranquil Balinese.

Ubud also has the famous sights, the Monkey Forest. Forest full of monkeys are considered sacred by the Balinese and inhabited by many wild monkeys. In the woods there is Pura Agung Dalem Padangtegal, known as the Temple to Go Already 
In the travel or tour route, the trip from Ubud you can continue to visit Kintamani

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Balangan Beach

Balangan beach is one of the beaches in Bali are quite interesting. On the beach Balangan found many small shops that provide local snacks and beer. Lodging on the beach is also pretty much the price is quite cheap but biasana without air conditioning.

Balangan beach has white sand and the waves are not too large, making it suitable for novice surfers Balangan. For those of you who have not proficient in surfing not to worry because here there is a surf school and has a number of instructors who will accompany you while playing on the waves. Of course, playing with the waves will make you more calm because of the experienced instructors.

For those of you who do not dare to surf, get to spend time with building sandcastles on the beach, hoard your body with sand, sunbathing or lazing on the bed hanging. In addition you can also browse Balangan reefs along the coast, but you must provide footwear if you want down the reef. For a sharp rock bottom and make it slippery and dangerous mossy.

To get there, you can pass the path to Nusa Dua Bali's Ngurah Rai. Then navigate the vehicle to Uluwatu, then turn right. After 10 minutes, you will find directions to Balangan. So, do not forget to visit the beach while on holiday in Bali Balangan